Chamber of Comptos
Opening hours
Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 15:00.
Declared a National Monument in 1868.
The building dates from around the 13th century. Built in stone,
with a pointed arch.Several pointed arch windows are preserved
with a cylindrical section mullion and decorated capital. There
is a landscaped courtyard where archaeological remains of the
hermitage of San Nicolás have been found.In 1524, the building
was acquired by King Carlos V of Navarre to house the Comptos
Chamber. After the disappearance of the Comptos Chamber, its archive
was moved to the General Archive of Navarre. The building was
then occupied by the Artistic and Historic Monuments Commission
who set up the Navarre Museum here, which was inaugurated in 1919.From
1941 to 1994, the building was the site of Príncipe de
Viana Institution. From 1995, it went back to being the site of
the Chamber of Comptos.
Calle Ansoleaga, 10 31001 Pamplona
Tel. +34 948421400 / Fax +34 948421433
Source: Web server of Instituto de Turismo de España, TURESPAÑA.
Navarre guide